Lesson Centre Locations > Ontario > North Bay
North Bay - Theory Lessons
Music Lesson Centre
View Store Details245 Lakeshore Drive
North Bay, Ontario, P1A 2B9
Lesson Centre: Phone or Text (705) 223-5470
Store Phone: (705) 472-9907
Lesson Centre Email: northbaylessons@long-mcquade.com
Store Email: northbay@long-mcquade.com
Lesson Centre Hours
Monday: 10:00am to 9:00pmTuesday: 10:00am to 6:00pm
Wednesday: 10:00am to 9:00pm
Thursday: 10:00am to 9:00pm
Friday: 10:00am to 9:00pm
Saturday: 10:00am to 6:00pm
Sunday: CLOSED
This Location Offers:
Online Lessons All LessonsPrivate Lessons
Group Lessons
Start your guitar journey with a four week crash course in the basics! This fun and engaging four week course covers basic technique, chords and notation. Our guitar teacher Daniel Rayney has taught hundreds of students from beginner to advanced level. His friendly and supportive teaching style makes it easy to master the basics of electric and acoustic guitar, and will start you on the right track to playing the music you love. For ages 9 and up. Program tuition is $104, beginner no experience required.
Our Theory Teachers:
Online Lessons:
Teaching Day(s): Tuesday
Catherine has been an instructor for over 25 years in central Ontario and North Bay, specializing in elementary piano pedagogy. She has completed all theory and history certificates at the A.R.C.T. (Associate Diploma in Piano Performance) level for the Royal Conservatory of Music . She is also an affiliate member f of O.R.M.T.A. (Ontario Registered Teacher’s Association). Her rate is $25 per ½ hour lesson.